This is the face of the same shrine (previous slide). Note the little entrance to the granary area and the back of the shrine to the right of the image.

The back of this shrine is facing the granary area (it was not possible to merge the images since they do not overlap). Dughwede, Chikide-Chinene and Guduf compounds always have three granaries positioned opposite to their house shrines. Although they are very similar in size and design, the orientation of face and back can vary between groups. The same applies to the place where the father of the house sits during rituals. Among the Guduf he may sit at the side of the shrine while the Dughwede sit with their backs to the granaries. This backside of a Chikide shrine has a high clay platform with some pots on it. This platform often serves as a bed for a young member of the family. In both images we see the sticks supporting the ceiling between granaries and shrine. The passageway between them is less than two metres wide. Underneath and on top of the granaries ritual pots are deposited but they are not visible here.

Created by Mandaras Publishing -
DGB sites of northern Cameroon