The northern Mandara mountains
The northern Mandara mountains are situated about 200 Km south of Lake Chad. The international boundary between Nigeria and Cameroon is cutting in a south-westerly direction through the Northern Mandaras. In 1902 the Germans successfully established their colonial rule over the northern Cameroons by choosing the Wandala capital, Mora, as their centre town. In March 1916 an Anglo-French Agreement divided the Northern Mandaras into a French and British part. UN mandates were issued in 1922. The French continued to rule the Northern Mandaras from Mora, while the British founded Gwoza and the French moved from Mora to Mokolo. While the colonial influence of the Germans is now purely historical, the influences of the British and French have left strong traces. The lion's share of the Northern Mandaras belongs to the Republic of Cameroon with Mokolo as the centre town.
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