
Wolff, Dr., 'Eine Bereisung der Tschadseelaender, Bericht des landwirtschaftlichen Sachverstaendigen Dr Wolff'', Deutsches Kolonialblatt, 25, Berlin 1914:392-405 (mit Kartenskizze).

Wolff, E., 'Die sprachliche Situation im Gwoza District (Nordostnigeria)', Journal of African Languages 10(1), 1971:61-74.

Wolff, E., 'Die lokativen Erweiterungsaffixe der Verben der Bewegung im Laamang (Hidkala-Dialekt)', Afrikanische Sprachen und Kulturen, Ein Querschnitt, Hamburger Beitraege zur Afrikakunde 14, Hamburg 1971:209-216.

Wolff, E., Die Verbalphrase des Laamang (Nordostnigeria), Eine Studie zur Morphologie tschadischer Sprachen, PhD dissertation, Hamburg 1972.

Wolff, E., 'Sprachliche Manifestationen des Kollektiv-Denkens der Laamang (Nordostnigeria)', ZDMG Supplement 2, 1974:660-671.

Wolff, E., 'Neue linguistische Forschungen in Nordostnigeria', Afrika und Uebersee 58(1), 1974:7-27.

Wolff, E., Patterns in Chadic (and Afroasiatic?) Verb Base Formations' Papers in Chadic Linguistics, (eds) P. Newman, R. Ma Newman, Leiden 1977:199-233.

Wolff, E., 'Strukturelle Merkmale oral tradierter Ein-Satz-Literatur der Lamang', Struktur und Wandel afrikanischer Sprachen, (ed), H. Jungraithmayr, Berlin 1978:171-189.

Wolff, E., 'Sprachkontakt und Ethnizität: Sprachsoziologische Anmerkungen zum Problem der historischen Interpretierbarkeit genetischer Sprachbeziehungen.' SUGIA Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika 1, 1979:143-173.

Wolff, E., 'On a problem of language subclassification: Is language 'shift' responsible for the dialectal variations in Glavda-Cena? (Résumé.)' In Multilingualisme dans les domains bantou du nord-ouest et tchadique. Le point de la question en 1977, ed. by Luc Bouquiaux, 61-63. (LACITO documents Afrique 3.) Paris 1979.

Wolff, E., Grammatical Categories of Verb Stems and the Marketing of Mood, Aktionart, and Aspect in Chadic, Afroasiatic Linguistics 6(5), Malibu 1979.

Wolff, E., Sprachkunst der Lamang, Stil, Bedeutung und Poetische Dimension oral tradierter Ein-Satz-Literatur, Afrikanische Forschungen 8, Glueckstadt 1980.

Wolff, E., 'Biu-Mandara Vowel Systems.' In Berliner Afrikanistische Vorträge, ed. by H. Jungraithmayr and G. Miehe, 259-276. Berlin 1981. (With A. Hauenschild and Th. Labahn.)

Wolff, E., 'Le Laamang', Les Langues dans le Monde Ancien et Moderne, Paris 1981:435-441.

Wolff, E., 'Vocalisation patterns, prosodies and Chadic reconstructions', Precis from the 12th Conference on African Languages, Studies in African Linguistics, supplement 8, Los Angelos 1982:144-148.

Wolff, E., 'Reconstructing vowels in Central Chadic', Studies in Chadic and Afroasiatic Linguistics, (eds) E. Wolff et al, H. Buske, Hamburg 1983:211-232.

Wolff, E., 'Tongenese in tschadischen Sprachen', Afrika und Uebersee 66, 1983:203-220.

Wolff, E., 'Adverb and Verbal Noun Formation in the Musgu Language of Mogroum (Vulum/Mulwi).' Studies on consonant-tone interference in Chadic languages II. Afrika und Übersee 67.2, 1984:175-197.

Wolff, E., 'New Proposals Concerning the Nature and Development of the Proto-Chadic Tense/Aspect System.' In Current progress in Afro-Asiatic linguistics: Papers of the Third International Hamito-Semitic Congress, London 1978, ed. by J. Bynon, 225-239. Amsterdam 1984.

Wolff, E., 'The Verbal Aspect System in Zime-Mesme.' Studies on consonant-tone interference in Chadic languages III. Afrika und Übersee, 68.1, 1985:1-22.

Wolff, E., 'Tone Reversal in Chadic?' ZPSK 39.5, 1986: 562-581.

Wolff, E., 'Consonant-Tone Interference and Current Theories on Verbal Aspect Systems in Chadic Languages.' In Proceedings of the Fourth International Hamito-Semitic Congress. Marburg 1983, ed. by H. Jungraithmayr and W. W. Müller, 475-496. (CURRENT ISSUES IN LINGUISTIC THEORY 44). Amsterdam 1987.

Wolff, E., 'Introductory remarks on the linguistic situation in the lake Chad basin and the study of language contact', Langues et cultures dans le bassin du lac Tchad, Colloques et Seminaires, Editions de l'ORSTOM, Paris 1987:23-41.

Wolff, E., 'Consonant-tone interference in Chadic and its implications for a theory of tonogenesis in Afroasiatic', Langues et cultures dans le bassin du lac Tchad, Colloques et Seminaires, Editions de l'ORSTOM, Paris 1987:193-216.

Wolff, E., '„Ablaut” and Accent in Chadic.' In Progressive Traditions in African and Oriental Studies, ed. by S. Brauner and E. Wolff, 165-179. (ASIA, AFRICA, LATIN AMERICA Special Issue 21.) Berlin 1988.

Wolff, E., . with Alhaji Abdullahi Ndaghra [posthumous]. 1992. Ina Lamaη. Documents of Oral Traditions in Gwaɗ Lamaη. Collected in the Gwoza Area of Borno State, Nigeria. Hamburg: Research and Progress. (130 pp.)

Wolff, E., A Grammar of the Lamang Language (gwad lamang), Afrikanistische Forschungen 10, Glueckstadt 1983.

Wolff, E., Our Peoples Own (Ina Lamang), Traditions and Specimens of Oral Literature from Gwaɗ Lamaη speaking Peoples in the Southern Lake Chad Basin in Central Africa , Afrikanische Forschungen 11, Glueckstadt 1994 (403pp).

Wolff, E., 'Verbal Plurality in Chadic: Grammaticalization Chains and Early Chadic History.' In Berkeley Linguistics Society: Special Session on Afroasiatic Languages (March 22-25, 2001), ed. by Andrew Simpson. Berkeley, Ca. 2001: 123-167.

Wolff, E., 'Predication Focus in Chadic Languages.' In Topics in Chadic Linguistics. Papers from the 1st Biennial International Colloquium on the Chadic Language Family, Leipzig 2001, ed. by H. E. Wolff. (CHADIC LINGUISTICS – LINGUISTIQUE TCHADIQUE – TSCHADISTIK 1). Cologne 2003: 137-159.

Wolff, E., 'Frühe lexikalische Quellen zum Wandala (Mandara) und das Rätsel des Stammauslauts.' In Egyptian and Semito-Hamitic (Afro-Asiatic) Studies in Memoriam W. Vycichl, ed. by G. Takacz. Leiden-Boston 2003: 372-413. (With Ch. Naumann.)

Wolff, E., Our Peoples Own (Ina Lamang), Traditions and Specimens of Oral Literature from Gwad Lamang Speaking Peoples in the Southern Lake Chad Basin in Central Africa, Afrikanische Forschungen 11, Glueckstadt 1994 (403p).

Wolff, E., 'Segments and Prosodies in Chadic: On Descriptive and Explanatory dequacy, Historical Reconstructions, and the Status of Lamang-Hdi'. Proceedings of the 4 th World Congress of African Linguistics, New Brunswick 2003, 2004:43-65.

Wolff, E., 'Genealogical discontinuity and recontinuity in Hidkala oral traditions.' In Africa in the Long Run. Festschrift in the Honour of Professor Arvi Hurskainen, ed. by L. Harjula and M. Ylänkö, (STUDIA ORIENTALIA PUBLISHED BY THE FINNISH ORIENTAL SOCIETY 103.) Helsinki 2006: 111-129.

Wolff, E., 'Suffix Petrification and Prosodies in Central Chadic (Lamang-Hdi).' In Topics in Chadic Linguistics II, ed. by Dymitr Ibriszimow. (CHADIC LINGUISTICS – LINGUISTIQUE TCHADIQUE – TSCHADISTIK 3.) Cologne: 141-154.

Wolff, E., 'Encoding topography and direction in the verbal systems of Lamang and Hdi (Central Chadic).' In West African Linguistics: Papers in Honor of Russel G. Schuh, , ed. by P. Newman and L. M. Hyman. STUDIES IN AFRICAN LINGUISTICS Suppl. 11, 2006: 221-250. - see also: journals.flvc.org/sal/article/view/107327

Wolff, E., Reduplication, Aspect, and Predication Focus in Central Chadic: What Lamang and Hdi tell about Malgwa verb morphology. Topics in Chadic Linguistics IV, Comparative and Descriptive Studies, H. Tourneux (ed), Chadic Linguistics 5, Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, Köln 2007:129-155.

Wolff, E., 'Chadic languages.' In ’Encyclopaedia Britannica Online., 2008. - see also: britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/104218/Chadic-languages

Wolff, E., 'The impact of clause types and focus control, aspect, modality, and referentiality on negation in Lamang and Hdi (Central Chadic).' In Negation Patterns in West African Languages and Beyond, ed. by N. Cyffer, E. Ebermann and G. Ziegelmeyer. Amsterdam-Philadelphia 2009: 21-56.

Wolff, E., 'Another look at “internal a” in Chadic.' In Topics in Chadic Linguistics V, ed. by Eva Rothmaler. (CHADIC LINGUISTICS – LINGUISTIQUE TCHADIQUE – TSCHADISTIK 6.) Cologne 2009: 161-172.

Wolff, E., 'Clause linking in some Central-Chadic languages.' In Aspects of Co- and Subordination. Case Studies from African, Slavonic, and Turkic Languages, ed. by Georg Ziegelmeyer and Norbert Cyffer, (TOPICS IN INTERDISCIPLINARY AFRICAN STUDIES 18.) Cologne 2010:27-60.

Wolff, E., 'Semitic-Chadic Relations.' In Semitic Languages. An International Handbook, ed. by Stefan Weninger, Berlin-Boston 2011: 27-38.

Wolff, E., 'Language Variation, Theoretical Preoccupations and the Lamang-Hdi Language Continuum in Central Chadic. Review of Zygmunt Frajzyngier with Erin Shay: A Grammar of Hdi. (MOUTON GRAMMAR LIBRARY 21.) Berlin – New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 2002.' Afrika und Übersee 90 (2008/09) 2011: 213-258.

Wolff, E., 'On the diachronics of Chadic tone systems: From pitch to tone in Lamang-Hdi.' In Topics in Chadic Linguistics VII, ed. by Henry Tourneux. (CHADIC LINGUISTICS – LINGUISTIQUE TCHADIQUE – TSCHADISTIK 8.) Cologne 2013:203-228.

Wolff, E., 'The Coding of Plural, Collective, and Inclusive in Lamang-Hdi (Chadic).' In In and Out of Africa. Languages in Question. In Honour of Robert Nicolai (Vol. 2. Language Contact and Language Change in Africa), ed. by C. de Féral, M. G. Kossmann, M. Tosco. Leuven 2014: 281-314.

Wolff, E., The Lamang Language and Dictionary Documenting Gwàɗ Làmàη - Endangered Chadic Language of North-Eastern Nigeria. [AFRIKANISTISCHE FORSCHUNGEN Vol. XVI.1, XVI.2.] Cologne2015: Rüdiger Köppe. 501+609pp.

  • Vol. I: The Lamang Language [AFRIKANISTISCHE FORSCHUNGEN Vol. XVI.1.] Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe. 501pp. ISBN 978-3-89645-296-2

  • Vol. II: A Dictionaryof Lamang [AFRIKANISTISCHE FORSCHUNGEN Vol. XVI.2.] Cologne: Rüdiger Köppe. 609pp. ISBN 978-3-89645-297-9

Wolff, E., 'Vocalogenesis in (Central) Chadic languages.' In African Linguistics in the 21st Century. Essays in Honor of Paul Newman, ed. by Samuel Gyasi Obeng and Christopher R. Green,. (GRAMMATISCHE ANALYSEN AFRIKANISCHER SPRACHEN 55.) Cologne 2017: 13-32.

Wolff, E., 'The documentation of Central Chadic Lamang (1967-2015).' In Topics in Chadic Linguistics IX, ed. by Dymitr Ibriszimow, (CHADIC LINGUISTICS – LINGUISTIQUE TCHADIQUE – TSCHADISTIK 10). Cologne 2018: 73-84.

Wolff, E., 'On morphological palatalization in Chadic.' In Schuhschrift: Papers in Honor of Russell Schuh, , ed. by Margit Bowler, Travis Major and Harold Torrence, 2020:178-191. - see e-book

Wolff, E., 'Languages: Connecting Lake Chad with the Middle East.' Fifteeneightyfour [Blog]. 11-16-2021. - see also: cambridgeblog.org/2021/11/languages-connecting-lake-chad-with-the-middle-east

Wolff, E., 'How I reconstructed an unwritten ancient African language.' The Conversation, November 10, 2021. - see also: theconversation.com/how-i-reconstructed-an-unwritten-ancient-african-language-171414

Wolff, E., 'On noun plural formations along the southern periphery of Afroasiatic (Chadic, Ethiosemitic, Cushitic).' In Topics in Chadic Linguistics VIII, Papers from the 7th International Colloquium on the Chadic Languages, Hamburg, 12-14 September 2013, ed. by Joseph McIntyre and Henning Schreiber. (CHADIC LINGUISTICS – LINGUISTIQUE TCHADIQUE – TSCHADISTIK 12.) Cologne 2021: 103-118.

Wolff, E., 'Did Proto-Chadic have velar nasals and prenasalised obstruents?' Afrika und Übersee 95, 2022: 134-163. DOI: 10.15460/auue.2022.95.1.265

Wolff, E., 'Proto-Chadic reconstruction and Afroasiatic vowel system typology,' ’Brill's Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics, 14(1), 2022: 61-110. - see also: doi.org/10.1163/18776930-1401004

Wolff, E., A Historical Phonology of Central Chadic. Prosodies and Lexical Reconstructions. Cambridge 2022. (xxi+472pp.)

Wolff, E., Lexical Reconstruction in Central Chadic. A Comparative Study of Vowels, Consonants and Prosodies. Cambridge 2023.