Non-profit academic print publications

Please click on the title of a print publication to see its visual presentation plus price, including potential further links to field materials - like for example audio files in the case of Azaghvana (2021), the most recent monograph presented by Mandaras Publishing.

Muller-Kosack, Gerhard. 2003. The Way of the Beer: Ritual reenactment of history among the Mafa.
Terrace farmers of the Mandara Mountains (North Cameroon). Mandaras Publishing: London.

Blench, Roger. 2004. Natural Resource Conflicts in North-Central Nigeria. A Handbook and Case Studies.
Including CD-ROM. Mallam Dendo: Cambridge. Mandaras Publishing: London.

Mallam Dendo (Consultancy and Research). 2006. Resources for Understanding Conflict in Nigeria. Studies conducted 2003-06.
CD-ROM produced by Roger Blench and Martin Walsh, Cambridge. Mandaras Publishing: London.

Fang, Meili. 2007. Spoken Chinese.
A textbook with audio CD. Mandaras Publishing: London.

Muller-Kosack, Gerhard 2021. AZAGHVANA.
A fragmentary history of the Dghwede of the Mandara Mountains. A history from the grassroots - For the survivors of today and the historians of tomorrow (with extensive colour and grayscale illustrations). Mandaras Publishing - - (581pp). Cover design by Denis Smith, Ramsgate. Hardback printed and bound by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon.